Monday, January 17, 2011

~ psychiatry posting ~

17.01.2011 @ Monday
     first time menjejak kan kaki ke dalam HOSPITAL PERMAI,TAMPOI satu perasaan yang kuat menarik aku untuk menaip entry ni.pelbagai perasaan aku alami hari ini.bercampur baur.sometimes i do speechless.selepas tamat sesi orientasi di gimnasium kami mula beredar ke setiap wad di hospital ini.pada mula nya aku merasa sangat takut apabila di dekati seorang pesakit perempuan.aku memegang erat tangan FARAH.tuhan saja yang mengerti segalanya di saat itu.pesalit berbicara ; 'akak.mahu beli barang kah?saya ada banyak barang baru angkat.' sambil tersenyum dia mengambil bakul dan mengeluar kan kertas yang sudah di bentuk bintang,burung dan macam-macam lagi.sungguh kreatif.aku mula bertanya kan soalan ; 'siapa nama?' pesakit hanya tersenyum dan kemudian berkata ; 'tak ada nama.ini nama saya.' tangan menunjuk tepat ke arah tulisan UNTUK KEGUNAAN HOSPITAL.empathy.sympathy.semua bergaul dalam satu jiwa.aku melihat mereka meludah,menjerit,menyanyi dan bercakap sendirian.itu antara habit mereka.saat melangkah masuh ke wad GERIATRIK hati ku sayu.bila staff nurse yang membawa kami orientasi itu mengata kan ; 'pesakit yang tinggal di sini adalah yang sudah berusia 60 tahun dan ke atas.segelintir adalah pesakit yang tidak di terima keluarga.' ya ALLAH.kenapa masih ada lagi manusia sebegitu?bukan kah mereka di lahir kan dengan darah yang sama?hina sangat kah pesakit mental ni?mereka hanya memerlu kan perhatian dan dorongan.bukan duit atau harta.
     selepas tamat kami meronda hospital kami makan tengahari.usai solat zohor aku,zuha dan farah bergerak ke P8.wad LONG STAY,GERIATRIC.beberapa minit kami di situ staff nurse mula menolak medication trolley.pesakit di panggil satu per satu.di beri ubat dan kami akan memasti kan mereka telah menelan kerana khuatir mereka akan membuang ubat tersebut.selepas itu kami di arah kan untuk menukar cadar.saat aku melangkah masuk ke sebalik tirai besi itu aku sayu.mereka terlalu tua untuk tinggal di dalam ini.tapi keadaan memaksa mereka untuk berada di situ.bau hancing di tolak tepi.selesai menukar cadar staff nurse mula meorientasi kami tentang wad berkenaan.terdapat beberapa orang peaskit yang telah tinggal di dalam wad tersebut sejak dari tahun 1965.terlalu LAMA.tapi,apa kan daya.aku hanya mampu menolong mereka menjalani aktiviti seharian mereka.pada yang tidak tahu aku selit kan sedikit info tentang SCHIZOPHRENIA.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. The person finds it difficult to tell the difference between real and imagined experiences, to think logically, to express feelings, or to behave appropriately.

People with schizophrenia may hear internal voices not heard by others or may see things that are not really there. These experiences can seem threatening and can make them fearful and withdrawn. They also may have trouble organizing their thoughts and expressing themselves. Their speech and behavior can be so disorganized that they may seem frightening to others.
Schizophrenia is one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses. Contrary to popular belief, it does not involve a "Jekyll-and-Hyde" type of split personality. Instead, it means that all the attributes that go into the makeup of the human personality - logical thinking, feelings and expression, perception, and relating to others - become separated from one another.
Nice To Know:
Schizophrenia literally means "a split mind," and this may be where the misconception of split personality took root. Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist, first used the term in 1911 to describe patients whose thought processes seemed disconnected.

Schizophrenia affects about one percent of the world's population and is found all over the world, in all ethnic and social groups.
People with schizophrenia often have difficulty functioning in society, at work, and in school. The illness can be taxing on both the individuals who are affected and on their families.
But the symptoms of schizophrenia vary widely from one person to another. In some people, the dissociated feelings caused by the illness are a constant part of life. In others, the symptoms will come and go.
People with schizophrenia do not always act abnormally. They may appear perfectly responsible and in control, even when experiencing hallucinations or delusions.
Schizophrenia cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be reduced significantly with treatment.
The vast majority of people with schizophrenia are living either full and productive lives or relatively independent lives.
Facts About Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia affects an estimated one percent of the world's population.
  • Symptoms usually appear between the ages of 15 and 35.
  • Schizophrenia affects males and females equally, although symptoms often appear earlier in males.
  • In the U.S., about 2.5 million people have this illness.
  • About 80 percent of people with schizophrenia can live either full, productive lives or relatively independent lives with treatment.
  • The other 20 percent of sufferers will require long-term, structured care.
  • People with schizophrenia have a higher rate of suicide than the general population. Approximately 10 percent of people with schizophrenia (especially younger adult males) commit suicide.
  • Schizophrenia accounts for about 40 percent of all long-term hospitalization.
  • Schizophrenia can run in families. The risk for inheriting schizophrenia is 10 percent in those who have an immediate family member with the illness, and 40 percent if the illness affect both parents or an identical twin.
  • Heredity does not explain all cases, however. About 60 percent of people with schizophrenia have no close relatives with the illness.
  • Early treatment of schizophrenia and newer treatment options may control the illness in up to 85 percent of individuals.


  1. yuyuy! sayu bace ebtri ni. lame x chat dgn yuyuy. rndulah. hahaha :))

  2. nice to know them.they are the most amazing people i ever met.rndu kamo juga.t senang2 ajak abg keja jmpe.huuu :)


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